Spring has officially arrived. Grass is green, the trees are budding, and birds have migrated back to their homes. That means it is officially birdwatching season. As bird watchers you enjoy seeing these feathered friends and hearing their songs. Why not offer them a prebiotic treat for wild birds the next time you fill your feeders?
Backyard Boost® Songbird Balls attract a variety of birds while providing digestive support for their overall well-being. They contain AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. These prebiotic treats fit nicely in a tube feeder or other wire feeders and cause less waste and mess than traditional bird seed. While the birds you love to watch are eating away on their healthy treats, they are also getting great nutrition.
“These easy-to-use Songbird Balls fit great in wire and tube feeders, and they create less mess and less stress when it comes time to refill your feeders,” said Samantha Albers, BioZyme® Inc., Marketing Brand Manager, Backyard Boost. “They contain sunflower seeds and other grains that attract so many birds, in addition to Amaferm, which helps keep the birds healthy and happy.”
The Songbird Balls are one of four products in the Backyard Boost line, originally created for backyard chicken enthusiasts by BioZyme. Because the company cares for all living creatures, they wanted to expand this line to include a product that would benefit wild birds as well.
Backyard Boost Songbird Balls come in packages of six. If you don’t currently have a feeder that will accommodate them, BioZyme also sells a circular tube feeder that fits the ball-shaped bird treat. The Songbird Balls are available on a variety of e-commerce sites including Amazon, Walmart.com, and a variety of retail locations near you. Locate your nearest Backyard Boost dealer at https://backyardboost.co/where-to-buy/?zipcode.