Boosted Eco-Friendly Nutrition

BioZyme®️ Incorporated is an innovative company in the agricultural fields of livestock nutrition and animal microbiology that manufactures supplements & precision biotics that naturally promote animal health and performance for Care that Comes Full Circle. Backyard Boost®️ is a line of products purposefully crafted with proprietary ingredients to support the well-being of birds.





Want Healthy Hens? Disease Prevention Starts with Proper Nutrition

healthy hens

Healthy Hens Whether you’re a seasoned poultry keeper or a novice enthusiast, the health of your flock is paramount. And, when it comes to their well-being, chickens are much like humans. They require the basic nutrients of life—water, sun, vitamins and minerals.  They need a clean space, an area for exercise, a “bathing” area and […]

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When do Chickens Molt? 

when do chickens molt?

Many new chicken owners ask us, “When do chickens molt?” Well, the answer is more involved than you might expect. Chickens typically molt in response to changes in environmental factors, particularly light and temperature. Your chickens might also molt due to natural physiological processes or simply due to stress. The molting period generally occurs once […]

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A Guide to Caring for Molting Chickens 

molting chickens

Molting Chickens Have you noticed the number of feathers around your coop and on the ground increasing? It might seem like feathers are everywhere, and it might also seem like this happened overnight. At the same time, your hens are losing their feathers and have also gone on an egg-laying strike.  You are not, in […]

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Chicken Egg Color Doesn’t Have to be a Surprise 

chicken egg color

Chicken Egg Color “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”    That quote from the famous movie and character of the same name, Forrest Gump, can describe a lot of things. Chocolates. Life. Chickens. Wait? We know that when we bring home those cute fluffy chicks, we ultimately […]

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