Bird Watchers Can Treat Their Feathered Friends with Boosted Eco-Friendly Nutrition

Spring has officially arrived. Grass is green, the trees are budding, and birds have migrated back to their homes. That means it is officially birdwatching season. As bird watchers you enjoy seeing these feathered friends and hearing their songs. Why not offer them a prebiotic treat for wild birds the next time you fill your […]

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Keep your Flock Flourishing with Backyard Boost® Defense

chicken predators

If you own chickens or any living animal, you are probably passionate about making sure they stay healthy. Healthy chickens are happy chickens that are low stress, grow and lay eggs regularly.  One way to ensure they stay healthy is to defend their digestive system from stress with Backyard Boost® Defense. Defense is a liquid […]

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Use Green Water to Keep your Chicks Hydrated, Healthy

There’s nothing cuter than a fluffy, baby chick, especially when that chick is healthy, happy and chirping. However, there is a lot of stress associated with moving those little babies from the hatchery to the store and to their forever home in your backyard, and keeping them healthy starts with keeping them hydrated.  Since up […]

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Getting Ready for Egg Laying

Baby chicks are cute, but as they grow into hens the real fun begins – they start laying eggs! It’s rewarding to go out to the coop a few times each day to find the latest egg in a nesting box just waiting for you. Fresh-laid eggs are a great nutritional source and taste delicious.  […]

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Tips for Growing and Developing Healthy Chickens

Those little chicks you picked up from your local farm store this spring won’t stay little and fluffy for long. With proper health, nutrition and care, they should grow and develop into young, healthy, productive birds that will provide you with protein-packed eggs.   Nutrition is vital to keeping your chicks growing up healthy and strong. […]

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How to Set up Your Brooder Box

There’s no place like home, and when you’re a baby chick there’s no place like a brooder box. Wait? Is that right? A brooder box could be the second-best thing to a broody mother hen for a group of chicks that just hatched or have been purchased to be someone’s companions or backyard project. The […]

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How to Maintain Backyard Birds through the Winter

The colder temperatures have moved in across many parts of the country, and with winter officially kicking off this month, those temps are here to stay. You probably started your backyard chicken flock during the spring when the sunshine was plentiful, and the days were long. How will you keep your feathered friends healthy and […]

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How to Keep your Flock from Melting Down During Molt

As the length of sunlit days are getting shorter, it probably seems like the number of feathers on the ground in and around your coop is increasing. You are not losing your mind. However, your chickens are losing their feathers! They are going through their annual molting process, a ritual that happens each year during […]

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BioZyme® Recognized for Best New Bird Product for Backyard Boost® Balls, for Poultry, Songbirds

In an effort to continuously expand its product lines and diversify, BioZyme® Inc., is excited to launch two new award-winning products in its Backyard Boost® product line. Starting in September, chicken owners can now purchase Backyard Boost Busy Balls, a prebiotic treat to help bounce boredom. Furthermore, all bird enthusiasts will have the opportunity to […]

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