How to Introduce New Chickens to Your Flock 

how to introduce new chickens

Spring is right around the corner. That means new life and new baby chicks are hatching! Who doesn’t love to add new chicks to their backyard flock? Although exciting, introducing new chicks to an existing flock requires patience and careful planning to minimize stress and aggression.   Our Backyard Boost® team loves new chicks as much […]

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Getting Started: Things You Need to Have with Baby Chicks 

Things You Need to Have with Baby Chicks 

Raising baby chicks is a fun and rewarding experience, but it requires careful preparation and the right equipment to ensure their health and well-being. Whether you’re raising them for eggs, meat or as companions, providing a safe and nurturing environment is vital.   At BioZyme®, makers of Backyard Boost® supplements, our team loves baby chicks and all poultry. We […]

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How To Prepare for Chick Days 

How to prepare for chick days

Chick days are coming. With the price of eggs, you’ve decided to invest in some of these cute little protein-producing fuzz balls. But you will need more than just a few baby chicks to start your new backyard farming venture. Like any animal-raising operation, you will need shelter, nutrition, health and love. That’s why the Backyard […]

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How to Purchase Mail-Order Chicks 

mail order chicks

Today, we can have virtually anything delivered to our doorstep with a click of a button. Need groceries? Fill your virtual cart, and they’ll show up at your front door. Need supplies for a school project? Click a button, and the supplies are on their way to you in hours. Need chicks for spring chick […]

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Where to Buy Chickens Near Me 

Where to Buy Chickens Near Me 

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We might never answer that age-old riddle. However, with Chick Days soon approaching, it is time to answer the question that our team has been posed lately: where to buy chickens near me?   Yes, as soon as we enter the new year, it’s time to start planning […]

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Chicken Egg Color Doesn’t Have to be a Surprise 

chicken egg color

Chicken Egg Color “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”    That quote from the famous movie and character of the same name, Forrest Gump, can describe a lot of things. Chocolates. Life. Chickens. Wait? We know that when we bring home those cute fluffy chicks, we ultimately […]

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Chicken Heat Stress Signs, Symptoms and Prevention 

chicken heat stress

Chicken Heat Stress Warmer days are just ahead, and that means it is time to protect your feathered friends from frying. Chicken heat stress is a real condition. We don’t want any ruffled feathers during the hot and humid days of summer.   At BioZyme®, makers of Backyard Boost®, we believe in care that comes full […]

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Chick Days are Fast Approaching: Your Starter Guide for Baby Chicks

chick days

American novelist Paul Theroux once said, “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.” If you are an avid backyard chicken collector, winter is also a great season to start preparing for baby chicks to arrive on chick days. Although it might seem a little early, depending on your geographic location, baby chicks will soon […]

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Use Green Water to Keep your Chicks Hydrated, Healthy

There’s nothing cuter than a fluffy, baby chick, especially when that chick is healthy, happy and chirping. However, there is a lot of stress associated with moving those little babies from the hatchery to the store and to their forever home in your backyard, and keeping them healthy starts with keeping them hydrated.  Since up […]

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Tips for Growing and Developing Healthy Chickens

Those little chicks you picked up from your local farm store this spring won’t stay little and fluffy for long. With proper health, nutrition and care, they should grow and develop into young, healthy, productive birds that will provide you with protein-packed eggs.   Nutrition is vital to keeping your chicks growing up healthy and strong. […]

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