How One Poultry Enthusiast Boosted Her Hatching Rates

Terra Sellers has always enjoyed raising chickens. She grew up with chickens. And two years ago, purchased a “few” pet chickens for her then 2-year-old son Brennex to enjoy. However, as the time has passed, the number of pets has increased to a small hobby farm and an opportunity to teach Brennex about the responsibilities […]

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Tips for Egg Care

Chicken or egg? If you’ve ever wondered which came first, you’ve likely already answered that. The chicks! You probably started your backyard chicken project with cute little chicks, but when those hens reach just between 5-6 months old, they should start laying eggs. There is nothing better than a farm-fresh egg for breakfast, but there […]

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Your Chick Days Starter Guide: How To Prepare for Chick Days

how to prepare for chick days

Chick days are coming, and you’ve decided to invest in some of these cute little fuzz balls. But you will need more than just a few baby chicks to start your new backyard farming venture. That’s why the Backyard Boost team compiled this guide for how to prepare for chick days. We cover not just what […]

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The Nutritional Requirements of your Backyard Birds

You’ve probably heard that you can feed your backyard chickens just any old scraps that you or your family aren’t going to eat. And while there might be a little truth to that, think of these chickens as protein producers for you. While they are small, they also have a big job of either laying […]

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