Terra Sellers has always enjoyed raising chickens. She grew up with chickens. And two years ago, purchased a “few” pet chickens for her then 2-year-old son Brennex to enjoy. However, as the time has passed, the number of pets has increased to a small hobby farm and an opportunity to teach Brennex about the responsibilities that come with raising animals.
“I now have a larger hobby farm that I’ve hyper fixated on,” Sellers laughed.
Buckeye Acres is the name she has given to her poultry farm located near Keota, Iowa, that is home to numerous chickens of a variety of breeds. She has at least half a dozen specialty breeds ranging from the Speckled Sussex and Ameraucana to the French Black Copper Maran to the Buckeye, of course. Sellers separates the egg producers from those that are breeders. Those with fertile eggs she manages differently, and she collects their eggs for incubation. When those chicks are hatched, she sells them at three days of age, ensuring they are healthy, eating and drinking properly.
Sellers has two 41-egg incubators; however, she noticed that her hatch rates were not where they should be. She had done her research, studied, talked to others, and consulted her feed dealer, Monica Becker, who suggested she try Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials on her breeding hens.
“My hatch rates increased from 44% to 73% once I started my chickens on the Backyard Boost pellets. I also haven’t had any chick deaths due to health since that time either,” Sellers said.
Backyard Boost Daily Essentials is a pelleted protein supplement for poultry designed to maximize digestibility and egg production. Daily Essentials contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility, provides nutrients needed for overall well-being and supports egg quality and production, as Sellers discovered. Daily Essentials is now formulated with patent pending technology to include AO-Biotics® EQE (Egg Quality Enhancer), the first-and-only postbiotic research-proven to enhance egg quality.

Sellers also noted that her incubation is also more on schedule since giving her breeding hens the Backyard Boost Daily Essentials. Previously, she would have some pips and early cracking on day 21, with the final hatch taking place on day 23. Now, the majority of her eggs are hatched on day 21, like they should be.
“I’m significantly happier with my results since starting the Backyard Boost. Now, I need to start my chicks on the Backyard Boost Defense, the next step in the process,” Sellers said.
For a “pet” project turned hobby and educational endeavor for her now 4-year-old son, teaching the value of higher hatch rates is vital to Sellers. An increase in hatch rates equals an increase in more live chicks for her customers to raise, show and continue to produce.
To learn more about Backyard Boost or locate a dealer near you, visit www.backyardboost.co.