Spring is right around the corner. That means new life and new baby chicks are hatching! Who doesn’t love to add new chicks to their backyard flock? Although exciting, introducing new chicks to an existing flock requires patience and careful planning to minimize stress and aggression.
Our Backyard Boost® team loves new chicks as much as the next person. We know that there are several considerations to bringing new baby chicks home. That’s why we created this step-by-step guide on how to introduce new chickens.
How to Introduce New Chickens
Introducing baby chicks to an older flock is more challenging than adding adult birds because the size difference makes them vulnerable to bullying. Here’s the safest way to do it:
1. Keep Chicks Separate Until Fully Feathered
Keep chicks in a separate brooder until they are fully feathered and strong enough to integrate. Baby chicks need to be at least 6-8 weeks old before they can handle outdoor temperatures and mild pecking.
2. Use a “See But Don’t Touch” Approach
When the chicks are 4-6 weeks old, place them in a separate pen inside or next to the main run so the older hens can see them but not harm them. Keep this setup for 2 weeks so the flock gets used to their presence.
3. Create a “Chick Safe Zone”
Use chick-sized entry points (small holes in fencing) so chicks can escape if bullied. Some chicken keepers use a chick playpen inside the main coop or run, where chicks can enter but adults cannot.
4. Introduce in a Neutral Space
If your chickens free-range, supervised outdoor introductions in a neutral area reduce territorial aggression. Let them interact for short, supervised periods before moving them into the coop. This is also a good time to integrate the chick playpen to help your new chicks feel safe.
5. Gradual Coop Integration
Once chicks are half-grown, around 8-12 weeks old, you can introduce them into the coop at night when the flock is roosting. Night is a safe introduction time since most of the birds are sleeping. However, ensure there are multiple feeders and water stations, so the young chicks don’t get blocked from eating.
6. Monitor for Aggression
A few pecks are normal as the pecking order is established but intervene if an adult is relentlessly attacking a chick. If needed, remove aggressive hens and try again later.
7. Avoid Introducing Just One Chick
A single chick is more likely to be bullied—always introduce at least two or more to spread out attention.
Backyard Boost Can Help
We hope we’ve answered your questions on how to introduce new chickens to your flock. But, regardless of if you are introducing baby chicks or adult birds, you don’t want to forget the Backyard Boost!
Backyard Boost® Defense is a liquid supplement that promotes feed and water intake during times of stress and recovery. It supports digestive health and a healthy inflammatory response. Add it to their water daily for best results.
Backyard Boost Defense is a liquid supplement for poultry designed to support digestion and healthy immune response. It will help keep both your new and old birds healthy and happy! Backyard Boost Defense contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility, and provides nutrients needed in times of stress. By adding this green liquid to their fresh water daily, you promote water intake and hydration.
Once your birds start to grow and transition to bigger food, offer them Backyard Boost® Daily Essentials. This pelleted protein supplement for poultry maximizes digestibility and egg production. Daily Essentials also contains Amaferm. It also contains AO-Biotics® EQE, a postbiotic research-proven to enhance egg quality and production. This supplement also provides nutrients needed for overall well-being.
Get your Backyard Boost Today!
We hope this resource has helped you discover how to introduce new chickens. We know getting baby chicks is exciting. It is also exciting to see them grow and thrive. That’s why we suggest providing your flock with eco-friendly nutrition from Backyard Boost today. Get your hands on industry-leading backyard chicken supplements now!
Ordering Backyard Boost is simple: purchase via our online store or from one of our online retail partners.
Perhaps you prefer to shop in person. Our Where to Buy tool can help you find the BioZyme retailer closest to you.
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