How One Poultry Enthusiast Boosted Her Hatching Rates

Terra Sellers has always enjoyed raising chickens. She grew up with chickens. And two years ago, purchased a “few” pet chickens for her then 2-year-old son Brennex to enjoy. However, as the time has passed, the number of pets has increased to a small hobby farm and an opportunity to teach Brennex about the responsibilities […]

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Getting Ready for Egg Laying

Baby chicks are cute, but as they grow into hens the real fun begins – they start laying eggs! It’s rewarding to go out to the coop a few times each day to find the latest egg in a nesting box just waiting for you. Fresh-laid eggs are a great nutritional source and taste delicious.  […]

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Tips for Growing and Developing Healthy Chickens

Those little chicks you picked up from your local farm store this spring won’t stay little and fluffy for long. With proper health, nutrition and care, they should grow and develop into young, healthy, productive birds that will provide you with protein-packed eggs.   Nutrition is vital to keeping your chicks growing up healthy and strong. […]

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How to Maintain Backyard Birds through the Winter

The colder temperatures have moved in across many parts of the country, and with winter officially kicking off this month, those temps are here to stay. You probably started your backyard chicken flock during the spring when the sunshine was plentiful, and the days were long. How will you keep your feathered friends healthy and […]

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How to Keep your Flock from Melting Down During Molt

As the length of sunlit days are getting shorter, it probably seems like the number of feathers on the ground in and around your coop is increasing. You are not losing your mind. However, your chickens are losing their feathers! They are going through their annual molting process, a ritual that happens each year during […]

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The Nutritional Requirements of your Backyard Birds

You’ve probably heard that you can feed your backyard chickens just any old scraps that you or your family aren’t going to eat. And while there might be a little truth to that, think of these chickens as protein producers for you. While they are small, they also have a big job of either laying […]

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Five Rewards of Your Backyard Flock

Chances are if you’ve already got your chickens pecking in your backyard, you had a reason for getting them. Maybe you wanted “farm fresh eggs” or perhaps you were looking for a small animal project to keep you and your family busy during this extended time of staying home. Chickens are a lot of work, […]

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Five Ways to Keep your Chickens Healthy and Happy

Health and performance are synergistic. When you don’t feel well, you simply don’t perform, regardless of if the task is at your job, being a nurturing parent or partner or sometimes even just with a simple task of decision making. Your feathered friends in the backyard are no different. When they are stressed or sick, […]

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